Last week Vanesa and I worked on a new practical work for ECO. We had to design a lesson in which we had to include a PowerPoint Presentation and a Prezi one.
It was a very interesting task but we had to think a lot in order to be creative and to plan a good lesson.
Anyway, we succeeded in doing it.
We made both the PP Presentation and the Prezi. The former was easy to do since we were accustomed to use it, but Prezi was new and we had to learn how to do so.
First, we spent a few minutes checking it out, but it turned out that it wasn't that difficult. Since Prezi works online, you have to register in order to use it. Once you have done it, you have to choose the templates for your presentation, and let me tell you that they are really nice and appealing to the eye. Then you write the title, and add the images, videos, music, texts you want. You can also change the framework of each template. When you finish your work, you just save it or share it, and it is done.
Using presentations could be very useful in your lessons for presenting new topics, reviewing some contents you have taught, and even for playing (you can create some games with PowerPoint), and it can also give a fresh air to some classroom routines, such us using the blackboard, the coursebook, or their notebooks.
I strongly recommend you to give it a try to these kinds of presentations, your students will like it and you will catch their attention more easily by using great images, songs, or videos.