Monday, October 21, 2013

Web pages that facilitate our job!

As I have mentioned in previous posts, this year I’ve been doing my Teaching Practice, and by doing them I came across with many web-pages that helped me a lot.
One of them was Tools for Educators; there you can find free Word Search Makers, Free Bingo Board Maker, among others. This page is useful for teachers who don’t have enough time to do it manually or using a word processor. For example, if you want to do a word search, you just have to write the words you want to be on it, decide the way you want them written – across, down – the letter type, you can also add images and hints. Once you decide this you just click on ‘get crossword’, and in few seconds you have you crossword done and ready to be printed. It’s magic!
Another is Instant Crossword Puzzle Maker. This one is much easier to work with, you just have to write the words, give it a tittle, and click on ‘create puzzle’, and voilà, you have it done, too!
These pages helped me a lot and I saved much time in doing the activities for my students.
Here is a crossword I used with my students from Beleno.