Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hey apple!

Welcome to my new blog! Here I will write and reflect about  Material Design and the implementation of ICT in the English classroom.

Here is an interesting video. I think it expresses how we feel about technology..


This video, called 'How will you teach me in the 21s century?', can be a virtual summary of what Prensky states in his paper. This author writes about the necessary implementation of technology in our classrooms.
As the video shows, children and teenagers are the future; and it is known that future means technology. Technology can be a scary word for those who are out of this new age and who are not acquainted with it, but not for the children and adolescent of this century. They have grown surrounded by everything related to technology, such as computers, mobile phones, video games, and other digital tools that play an important role in their lives.
This generation of students come into the classroom with all this knowledge on tech, which is, for some teacher - not all of them-, new and difficult to understand and learn. These differences keep a great distance between them and their teachers.
So, after reading Prensky and watching this video I came to the conclusion that we, as teachers, should build a bridge to reduce this distance. I know that you might see this as a difficult task, but if you read the author I mentioned, you will find some good ideas to change your approach to technology and to become the teacher our students need - A teacher of the 21st century.